WVEMS Conversion to i-gel® Airways

The WVEMS Council recently received a Rescue Squad Assistance Fund grant from the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services for the purchase of i-gel® Resus Pack airways for the region. This grant is to assist in the conversion specified by the WVEMS Regional Medical Direction Committee in our most recent protocols. Your field coordinators have begun delivering the i-gel devices to the agencies for future implementation. 

All EMS agencies will receive one set of i-gel Resus Packs in sizes 3, 4 and 5 for each licensed EMS vehicle.  Once your agency has received the i-gels, your Operational Medical Director will determine when to implement them. 

All hospitals in our region have been contacted about i-gel implementation and exchange and they are working with their supply chains to ensure that you are able to exchange “i-gel for i-gel.”  While we are working to streamline this process, we appreciate your understanding if the hospital that you transport to does not have an i-gel for exchange, you may receive a King Airway instead of an i-gel until stock is depleted. Please note that the i-gel, like the King airways, will be available for a ONE-FOR-ONE exchange. 

We are currently working with Intersurgical (i-gel manufacturer) to have a live training session in each planning district.  We will keep you posted on the dates.  Below, you will find a video from Intersurgical with information and direction for placement of the i-gel Resus Pack.

i-gel® Placement Video

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